Wednesday 21 April 2010

Copyright Information

Any use of music in this film complies with 'Fair Dealing' under the 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act (UK), Sections 6(i) and 6(ii);

Fair dealing is a term used to describe some limited activities that are allowed without infringing copyright. Briefly these are as follows:

Section 6

i. Research and private study

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or of a typographical arrangement of a published edition for the purpose of research or private study is allowed under the following conditions:

·The copy is made for the purposes of research or private study.
· The copy is made for non-commercial purposes.
· The source of the material is acknowledged.
· The person making the copy does not make copies of the material available for a number of people.

ii Instruction or examination

Copying parts of a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or a sound recording, film or broadcast for the purpose of instruction or examination is allowed under the following conditions:

· The copying is done by the student or the person giving instruction.
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· The source of the material is acknowledged.
· The instruction is for a non-commercial purpose.

Final Evaluation

We researched many films such as 'The Devil Wears Prada' and 'The Lizzie McGuire Movie' to try and create similar conventions in 'chick flicks'. We looked at 'The Lizzie McGuire Movie' and liked the idea of having diegetic titles. This film was aimed at young girls and was quite successful to that age group. By having diegetic titles we thought it would be more fun to read for the younger audience and not just have names coming up on the screen. This was really challenging as we had to make sure it was readable and stayed on the screen long enough for our target audience to see. Once we had filmed we couldn't go back to it because all the titles are diegetic.

We had a few problems such as the titles being in a different order to a real media product and not being able to read some of them. In our researched films the lighting is very bright and colourful but our product looks very dull, we couldn't do anything about this because we didn't have the correct lighting to use. We also went with a similar opening sequence to the film 'The Devil Wears Prada'; this includes different girls with different lifestyles, getting ready in the morning. We used 'girlie', happy and fun music throughout as this was done in many films we researched. In many films similar to our genre the storyline is usually one popular girl and one not. We developed this but having two girls with different lifestyles and you can see this straight away in the sequence because of their clothes, one makes more of an effort than the other. In the end the two girls turn out to be twins and that is why our film is called 'Matching Opposites'.

Our media product represents particular social groups such as the popular type and the geeky type you see in films today. We have created the two different social groups by having different clothes, houses, hairstyles and even food. 'Popular' girls are stereotyped as being blonde, tall and loads of make-up. In our film she isn't any of them and that is a good thing because we wanted to show young girls that you don't need to be all of them things to get noticed or 'fit in'. Our storyline is two very different girls who turn out to be twins so even though they have different lifestyles their exactly the same because their related and actually have alot in common. We wanted it to be like many other films with a similar genre but didn't want to stereotype or put different people into social groups because we wanted to show young girls that everyone is individual.

I think a company like Buena Vista Distrubution which is better known as Walt Disney Motion Picture Group would distribute our film because all disney films could be aimed at 12-24 year olds which is the audience for our film. They have distributed many films such as 'The Princess Diaries' and 'The Lizzie McGuire Movie'; these films have a similar genre to ours and have been successful.

The audience for our product would be girls aged between 12 - 24. We decided on this wide age group because i looked at a few reviews on different romantic/comedy and 'chick flick' films and i found out that even though you would expect the audience to just be teenagers alot of older women liked the films we researched. Young girls look up to the 'popular' girl in the film usually and want to be like them, this is why they watch it. Popular girls are stereotyped as being horrible to the not so popular girl in the film but we wanted to get a different message across to young girls that everyone is the same and shouldn't be treated different. We attracted our audience by trying to think of what young girls would want to see and like, the audience is from girls aged 12 and this is when a girl is just going into secondary school and does alot of growing up. The girls in the film could be role models and someone to look up to as young girls watch it.

I have learnt so much about different technologies during coursework process. Even though i wasn't filming and handeling the camera i learnt a lot just by watching what Naomi was doing. If i didn't think the camera should be put in a particular place i would say my opinion and i think this is why we worked well as a team because we all said what we thought was best. I have learnt alot about 'Windows Movie Maker' which i had never used before and now i think if someone said to me can you do some editing i would be more confident because i have seen what to do. We used 'Adobe Premiere Pro' whilst adding the non diegetic titles such as 'a film by...' even though i didn't see much what was going on whilst using this technology i still feel i would be confident using it in the future. Another technology that is new to me is 'Blogger' and 'Google Documents'. Before the coursework stage when Lee told us we had to do everything electronically and put everything up onto 'Google Documents' i was very nervous because i didn't know what to expect. Once i used it a couple of times i got the hang of it and feel very confident using it now. I have uploaded videos and images which i wasn't able to do before and have learnt how to during the main exercise.

I feel i have learnt so much from the preliminary exercise until now. I was the scriptwriter and i thought it would be exactly the same as any other script but it wasn't. The script for a film has alot more detail in it than a TV one and i have learnt how to write a film one. I wasn't able to make it to the filming of the preliminary exercise because i was ill so i have learnt alot about the filming and camera during the main exercise. At the start of the preliminary exercise i was very nervous about doing it because i had never done anything like it before but once i was put into my group and we started discussing i started to enjoy it. I have learnt that you need alot more paper work and thought going into the main exercise than the preliminary, but my group had good teamwork so we all had our own things to do and if we didn't know what to do we asked each other for help. I think we learnt from the preliminary not to leave everything to the last minute. We wasn't rushing at the end of the preliminary but i think during the main exercise we managed our time better.